Give us feedback

Over the past season we have experimented with feedback sheets and other ways of learning what it is you like about our concerts and the arrangements, and what you don't like, or would prefer done differently! The general way of doing this is to drop an email to our Secretary at

The most recent example ​was at our 17 March concert, when our Chair, John Simpson, offered everyone a chance to influence our choice of music for the few unfilled slots in our programme. Is there any artist or group or any specific pieces that you'd love to hear? Or any genre that you feel we don't hear enough of? Again, please drop an email to ... but remember that our next committee is on 28 March, so act today!

Or you can share your ideas as comments on the post on our Facebook page.

Sign up for our mailing list

We would love to keep in contact, and send you emails about the concerts we run and occasional emails (no more than one a month) about other live music events happening in the area. We aim to be GDPR-compliant, as described in the linked  Privacy policy, and we certainly won’t pass on your contact information to anyone.

We are developing on-line sign-up using the form below, so you can interact directly with MailChimp. When you submit this, you’ll get an immediate green “thank you for registering” message on-screen and will shortly receive a welcome email.  If this doesn’t work, please drop an email to Martin Tarr, our webmaster,  at, who will be happy to add you manually.

Unless you tell us otherwise, or change your marketing preferences via MailChimp, we’ll send you emails relating to concerts promoted by the Guild and (unless you’ve turned this off) occasional emails promoting other live local music events.